Tuesday, October 5, 2010

VBScript to capture a screenshot in QTP and insert it in the test results

Example Usage:

Call CaptureScreen("Pass", "The test passed")


Public Sub CaptureScreen(Result, Details)
' Author : Chinmay Mudholkar
' Purpose : Taking a screenshot of the current screen and inserting it in the test results with the specified result type
' Inputs : Result: The result type
'  Details: The details about the screenshot/report
' Returns : None

'Capture the screenshot in a temp file first, do everything else later
Desktop.CaptureBitmap Environment.Value("TestDir") & "\temp.bmp", True

Dim imgname, imgpath, fso

If Details = "" Or IsEmpty(Details) Then
Details = Result
End If

imgname = "temp.bmp"
imgpath = Environment.Value("TestDir") & "\" & imgname

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(imgpath) Then
If UCase(Result) = "PASS" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Captured Screen", Details, imgpath
ElseIf UCase(Result) = "FAIL" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Captured Screen", Details, imgpath
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "Captured Screen", Details, imgpath
End If

fso.DeleteFile imgpath, True
End If
End Sub


VBScript to run an MS SQL Job

Example Usage:

Call runSQLJob("My Job")


Public Sub runSQLJob(JobName)
' Author : Chinmay Mudholkar
' Purpose : Runs the specified SQL job.  Returns after the job execution is complete.
' Inputs : JobName: Name of the SQL job to run
' Returns : None

Dim jst, myCon, ObjSQL
jst = "SELECT ISNULL((SELECT CAST(J.JOB_ID AS VARCHAR(36)) FROM msdb..sysjobs j INNER JOIN msdb..sysjobactivity ja ON j.job_id = ja.job_id WHERE j.name = '" & JobName & "' AND ja.stop_execution_date IS NOT NULL AND ja.start_execution_date = (SELECT MAX(jain.start_execution_date) FROM msdb..sysjobactivity jain WHERE jain.job_id = j.job_id GROUP BY jain.job_id)), 0)"
Set myCon=Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
myCon.ConnectionString = "your connection string here"
ObjSQL = "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name = '" & JobName & "'"
Wait(2) 'Wait in the beginning for the job to start and then before querying job status everytime.
Dim rs
Set rs = CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
rs.open jst, myCon, 3, 3
If Len(rs.fields(0))>1 Then
Exit Do
End If
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub


Generate a random alphabet string using VBScript

Usage Example:

MsgBox getRandomString(15)
' This would return a random string of 15 characters.


Public Function getRandomString(ofLength)
' Author : Chinmay Mudholkar
' Purpose : Getting a random alphabet string of a specified length
' Inputs : ofLength: The length of the random string required
' Returns : A random string of the specified length

If Not IsNumeric(ofLength) Or IsEmpty(ofLength) Or ofLength = "" Then
getRandomString = ""
Exit Function
End If

Dim retval, i
retval = ""
For i = 1 To ofLength
retval = retval & Chr(Int(26*Rnd+97))
getRandomString = retval
End Function


VBScript to verify that the specified object exists on the current page

Public Function verifyExistence(ObjectType, ObjectName, ExpStatus)
' Author : Chinmay Mudholkar
' Purpose : Verify that the specified object exists on the current page
' Inputs : ObjectType: The type of object based upon its micClass
'  ObjectName: The HTML name of that object
'  ExpStatus: The expected status of the object
' Returns : Boolean value.  The current status of the object.

Dim Status

Select Case ObjectType
  Case "Link"
Status = Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").Link("name:=" & ObjectName, "Index:=0").Exist(5)
Case "Image"
Status = Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").Image("alt:=" & ObjectName).Exist(5)
Case "WebElement"
Status = Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebElement("innertext:=" & ObjectName & ".*","index:=0").Exist(5)
Case "WebList"
Status = Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebList("name:=" & ObjectName).Exist(5)
Case "WebTable"
Status = Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebTable("innertext:=" & ObjectName & ".*","index:=0").Exist(8)
Case "Browser"
Status = Browser("CreationTime:=" & ObjectName).Exist(5)
Case "WebEdit"
Status = Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebEdit("name:=" & ObjectName).Exist(5)
Case "WebButton"
Status = Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").Webbutton("name:=" & ObjectName,"index:=0").Exist(5)
Case "WebRadioGroup"
Status = Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebRadioGroup("name:=" & ObjectName).Exist(5)
Case "WebCheckBox"
Status = Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebCheckBox("name:=" & ObjectName).Exist(5)
Case Else
Status = False
End Select

If CBool(Status) = CBool(ExpStatus) Then
verifyExistence = True
verifyExistence = False
End If

Set Status = Nothing

End Function

This VBScript function will give you the current date in the required format

Usage Examples:

MsgBox getDatestamp("MM/DD/YYYY")
' Returns 10/05/2010

MsgBox getDatestamp("DD-MM-YY")
' Returns 05-10-10

MsgBox getDatestamp("DD.MM.YYYY")
' Returns 05.10.2010

MsgBox getDatestamp("DD")
' Returns 05


Public Function getDatestamp(inFormat)
' Author : Chinmay Mudholkar
' Purpose : Getting the current date stamp
' Inputs : inFormat: The format that the date is required in. (eg: DD-MM-YY)
' Returns : The current date in the format required.

Dim retval, dd
retval = UCase(inFormat)

dd = Right("00" & Day(Date), 2)
mm = Right("00" & Month(Date), 2)

If InStr(retval, "DD") Then
retval = Replace(retval, "DD", dd)
End If

If InStr(retval, "MM") Then
retval = Replace(retval, "MM", mm)
End If

While InStr(retval, "YY")
If InStr(retval, "YYYY") Then
retval = Replace(retval, "YYYY", Year(Date))
ElseIf InStr(inFormat, "YY") Then
retval = Replace(retval, "YY", Right(Year(Date), 2))
End If

getDatestamp = retval
End Function




My name is Chinmay Mudholkar. I am a test automation engineer from Pune, India. You will find useful scripts for QTP on my blog.