Example Usage:
Call CaptureScreen("Pass", "The test passed")
Public Sub CaptureScreen(Result, Details)
' Author : Chinmay Mudholkar
' Purpose : Taking a screenshot of the current screen and inserting it in the test results with the specified result type
' Inputs : Result: The result type
' Details: The details about the screenshot/report
' Returns : None
'Capture the screenshot in a temp file first, do everything else later
Desktop.CaptureBitmap Environment.Value("TestDir") & "\temp.bmp", True
Dim imgname, imgpath, fso
If Details = "" Or IsEmpty(Details) Then
Details = Result
End If
imgname = "temp.bmp"
imgpath = Environment.Value("TestDir") & "\" & imgname
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(imgpath) Then
If UCase(Result) = "PASS" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Captured Screen", Details, imgpath
ElseIf UCase(Result) = "FAIL" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Captured Screen", Details, imgpath
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "Captured Screen", Details, imgpath
End If
fso.DeleteFile imgpath, True
End If
End Sub
Call CaptureScreen("Pass", "The test passed")
Public Sub CaptureScreen(Result, Details)
' Author : Chinmay Mudholkar
' Purpose : Taking a screenshot of the current screen and inserting it in the test results with the specified result type
' Inputs : Result: The result type
' Details: The details about the screenshot/report
' Returns : None
'Capture the screenshot in a temp file first, do everything else later
Desktop.CaptureBitmap Environment.Value("TestDir") & "\temp.bmp", True
Dim imgname, imgpath, fso
If Details = "" Or IsEmpty(Details) Then
Details = Result
End If
imgname = "temp.bmp"
imgpath = Environment.Value("TestDir") & "\" & imgname
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(imgpath) Then
If UCase(Result) = "PASS" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Captured Screen", Details, imgpath
ElseIf UCase(Result) = "FAIL" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Captured Screen", Details, imgpath
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "Captured Screen", Details, imgpath
End If
fso.DeleteFile imgpath, True
End If
End Sub